
Signposting for your cafe

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Signposting for your cafe

If your cafe is a little of the beaten track, it can be hard to attract walk-in customers. However, rather than thinking of the location you are in as a roadblock, think of it as an opportunity. You are a hidden gem that people will discover and tell their friends about. You are a hideaway from the drag of day-to-day life. In order to spread the word, you need to have some great signs around the place, not just big billboards, but quirky signs that people remember and want to follow. Come inside and learn about signposting your cafe, your way.

3 Reasons to Use Stainless Steel Switchboard Engraving

While you can use plastic signage on your switchboards, you can also use stainless steel products as an alternative. What are the advantages of using steel signs rather than plastic ones?

1. Get Better Substance Resistance

If your switchboards sit in an industrial environment, then they, and their signs, might be exposed to different substances and materials. This can affect the signage you attach to the switchboards.

For example, if plastic signs come into contact with acids, chemicals or solvents, then the signs might suffer from some damage. Acids might eat into the plastic surface. Or, solvents might remove the stickiness from the back of the signs so that they fall out of position and off the board.

Stainless steel engraved signs typically cope better with multiple substances. They can withstand exposure to difficult substances without damage to the metal or its attachment to its switchboard.

2. Avoid Environmental Damage

It's important to consider the environment around your switchboards before you choose a signage material. Extreme heat and cold, and weather conditions affect materials in various ways.

For example, if a plastic sign is exposed to sunlight a lot of the time, then its lettering might fade. If the sign isn't readable, then it can't do its job. If it is a safety warning or sign, then this could even be dangerous.

Plus, extreme heat and UV rays can affect the plastic itself. Over time, the plastic might turn brittle. It might ultimately crack or break. If this happens, then you'll need to replace the sign.

Stainless steel engraved signs don't have these problems. They can cope with temperature extremes, and heat and UV rays won't affect the metal.

Plus, the lettering or numbering on the signs won't fade in the sun or wear off. These letters and numbers are engraved into the steel itself.

3. Get More Robust Fixings

If you use an adhesive to attach plastic switchboard signs, then you run the risk that the signs will eventually fall off. They'll lose their ability to stick to the switchboard at some point.

Even if you use screws to attach the signs, you might not get the most robust solution. Over time, the screws might affect the plastic around them. The plastic might crack or break.

Stainless steel switchboard signs are normally screwed into place. The metal around the screws won't degrade. So, your signs stay where they should be for longer.

To find out more about the benefits of switchboard engraving services, contact a local professional.